
Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The geese are landing!

Flying high overhead-
The geese are driven to land
On the ancient ice

Sounds of sand shifting

 Sounds of sand shifting
Silenced by the thunder thump
Of ice blocks breaking

Pleistocene sunlight!

Sunlight seized in ice
In the late pleistocene
Continues to shine!

Memories melting before they are ready

Memories melting
Well before they are ready
But what do we care?

Too cold to land

Vee of honking geese 
Drawn to the silver decoy
But too cold to land

Monday, 20 August 2012

We are hurting the next seven generations

Etched in ancient ice-
The next seven generations
That we are hurting

How lucky to be alive!

How lucky to live
After four billions of years
This moment of now

Almost midnight sun

Almost midnight sun-
Soft sound of water dribble
Into copper ponds

Distant sound of geese!

Chilly summer dawn
Ripple blue ice reflections
Distant sound of geese!

Pleistocene Ice melting

Pleistocene ice-
Sculpted, squeezed, sheared, fractured, etched, 
Frozen until now?

Finding flying flukes

Only for an instant-
Alaska afternoon sun
Finding flying flukes!

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Hearing the buzzy

Deep in the lamb’s ear-
Seeing soft furry fuzzy-
Hearing the buzzy

Fluke fountain flowing

Fluke fountain flowing-
Multiple mini cascades
Only for an instant!

When will they will return?

Hope they will return-
When the aspen turn golden
Will it be too late?

Waiting for the salmon

Patiently waiting
For the first sockeye salmon
To go finning by

Rolling for seven billion!

For seven billion
Trucks can never stop rolling!!
But for nine billion??